
Community Gallery

Community Gallery

Free Event
December 4, 2024 – April 3, 2025
Museum of Art

Mid-Century Modern Astro-Futurism

Presented by the South Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild

Each year, the Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild presents to its members an opportunity to challenge themselves, their skills, and their creativity with a group challenge. This challenge was written by guild member Peg Normandin, with a fun twist on the Jetsons Cartoon Series. Members of the South Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild were challenged to create a quilt inspired by the 1950s and 1960s Mid-Century Modern Astro-Futurism trend.

The South Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild’s mission is to provide an atmosphere of fellowship for persons interested in the art and craft of modern quilt making and related arts and to encourage the growth and development of modern quilting through art, education, and community. Find out more about this organization at South Sarasota Modern Quilt Guild main page.

About The Ringling Community Gallery:

The Ringling Community Gallery is always free and open to the public. The public exhibition space is located on the ground floor of the museum’s Ting Tsung and Wei Fong Chao Center for Asian Art. Those wishing to visit the exhibition should ask for a Community Gallery wristband at the Visitors Pavilion upon arrival at The Ringling.

The Community Gallery is generously funded by The Community Foundation of Sarasota County.